You know what I love about yoga? It’s not just for the days that are Instagram, share-worthy. It isn’t reserved for humble bragging golden times. It’s a practice that helps you when you royally fucked up
For the days when you fumbled the pass, made a mistake, and put not one, but TWO feet in your big, beautiful mouth. Yoga will be there for you.
And I don’t just mean a sun salutation. Although moving through a few of those and maybe a HIIT cardio class mixed with some kick boxing sure does help get the led out after a gong show of a day. What helps me on the down days is the philosophy hidden inside the Asana.
For those moment of messing up, “Ahimsa” comes in handy. It means do no harm. Be nice. That includes your relationship with yourself. If you’re a recovering perfectionist, like yours truly, this precept flies right in the face of that insidious coping mechanism of “beating up on yourself”. Self flagellation is not a badge of honour. Rewiring the brain to realize that “Hey you’re human! It’s okay to drop the ball sometimes. How else will you be able to go the bathroom?” (Friends episode anyone?)
Ahimsa is so helpful during times of error and awkwardness. It steps in and says, “Not today kiddo! You kicking your own ass isn’t gonna make this feel any less worse. In fact it will amplify it. Nor will it stop admonishment from others. If anything, going to battle with yourself will deplete the funds in your war chest, leaving you without the energy you need to do what will really make a difference. And that would be the following;
-Own your shit
-Make amends
-Learn from your Mistake
…and my personal favorite, move on with your one life!
One of my favorite quotes comes from Eat Pray Love, which I fully acknowledge is exactly what you would think a yoga instructor in her 30s would quote. BUT THAT DOESN’T NEGATE IT’S TRUTH YOU CYNICS! So quote I shall,
“Guilt is your conscience’s way of tricking you into thinking you’re making moral progress”
And you know who said that? A Catholic Nun. Catholics wrote the book on guilt, so that makes this statement uber powerful.
The next time you find yourself in a downward spiral of self hate and doubt because of a mistake you made, because you are a gorgeous, fallible, broken and beautiful human being — Take a beat. Take a breath. Cut yourself some slack and trust that you are worthy of your own love.
Always remember what the wise and wonderful Yoga Mat said unto us, “If you fall, I will catch you”
Namaste and self forgiveness y’all 🖤
Love this love this love this love this love this love this 🤣👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Keep laying out the truth
Taking it in ✊️✊️💞
Love this love this love this love this love this love this 🤣👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
Keep laying out the truth
Need it over akd over again