The older I become, the more I appreciate the quiet, tender moments in between. Like the top and the bottom of the breath, where it feels like the lungs are whispering and the heart stills itself, if only for a moment. Life is suspended for a second. The body feels deeply and intensely alive.
The big moments in life are still beautiful. Leading large yoga classes and taking part in a vibrant yoga community feels incredible. It’s invigorating and life giving. And yet, the boldness and brightness of these events make the delicate moments of fragile quietness even more precious.
As a yoga teacher, I dance between these two worlds. I actively crave the quiet while also desiring for more people to know the peace of yoga. This job calls me out of my introverted self to do something I believe in with my whole heart; Sharing Yoga.
Do I still get nervous? You betcha. Is my heart in my throat as I speak guiding words to hundreds of bodies a week? It’s leaping out. Is the energy that pulsates off a group of yogis surging through my body like a shock of electricity? Absolutely.
I am outside of my comfort zone. For better or worse, this is where I feel most alive.
Perhaps you know what I mean. Maybe you have a thing in your life that pushes you to be more than you’re willing to give. A loved one, a hobby, a passion, an idea or goal.
If you’re like me you hold onto the familiar with a death grip.
Someone or something usually has to come along and drop kick me out of my safe little world. Something has to peel my fingers back one by one from the imaginary sense of certainty I cling to daily.
Admittedly, when the daunting task is all said and done, when the challenge of stepping out of the safe zone has been met, the sweetness of the quiet moments that follow? The tender and essential time of reflection and gratitude? This, to me, makes it all worth while.
So go forth into the big moments of life, but may I suggest a little tip? Learn to acquire a taste for the quiet moments in between. For these moments far outnumber the big ones. These tender moments hold so much meaning and life affirming peace. In the midst of it all – try a little tenderness <3