I recently co-lead a yoga retreat in Nicaragua and thought I’d sit down to write a blog about my experience. There’s just one problem…..
There’s no way I can fit what happens on a yoga retreat into one blog entry.
I suppose I could write a series of blogs going into the details. I could write about the wonderfulness of watching people find serenity in a new country. How traveling to a new place invigorates you with a new sense of purpose. I could write paragraphs, even a novel describing the sights I saw in that short, but intense period of 7 days. I wish I had the time to devote to painting a word picture for the sunsets, the sunrises, the sound of the waves I heard crashing relentlessly against the shore.
But you know what? I don’t want to. Not yet, at least. All I really want to do is say this;
If you have the chance to travel – do it.
If you have the chance to travel and do yoga – double do it.
Travel is guaranteed to expand a person’s life, bring perspective, challenge personal boundaries and open the mind. Traveling while doing yoga makes you even more aware of the situation you’ve embarked upon. By taking the time to visit the mat, to connect and wake up the body and then move into your day of experiencing a country, a people, a food you’ve never had before? It’s like traveling in technicolor.
So today I will not describe the world I saw. To be honest, I’m still letting it settle into my own heart, mind and body. I want it to remain mine a little longer. I want to give it a bit more time to seep into my psyche and my bones. I will write about it in the coming weeks, because I cant help myself. It was just too damn awesome. But today I will write to say – go see it for yourself.
Leave your couch, leave your home, leave your fears and go. Travel always. Travel and do yoga.