This August, I’ve been following the #yearofcalm calendar – each day gives the participant a new mindfulness task to focus on.
In all honesty? It was helpful some days. Other days it was a bit much. It became another “thing to do” another “task to accomplish”.
I think it’s noteworthy that the way some mindfulness tactics are offered can sometimes induce rather than reduce stress. When the significantly overbearing western mindset of “achieve!” “believe!” “do all the things!” seeps into the realm of mindfulness, it is possible to miss the point entirely.
An example — I’ve had many conversations with students who take part in 30 day challenges – where you’re encouraged to do yoga every day for 30 days. Their words “I’m getting stressed out about not making it to yoga tomorrow!” “My body is so sore and I think I hurt my shoulder” “Honestly, all I want to do is rest today but I feel obligated to do yoga” — this is the antithesis of mindfulness.
A huge point of this practice is to become better attuned to what the body and mind are needing. And if they’re saying “I NEED A GOD DAMN BREAK!” probably a good idea to listen.
Some of the most relaxing and healing moments are when I go “Fuck it!” And instead of going to yoga or meditating I drink wine while having a good gab session with friends over an amazing meal.
Re-conceptualize stress – it is too often referred to as a negative thing – but we need stress to exist. The stress and resistance gravity puts on the body allows us to move through space without flying into outer space. Resistance creates strength. Work with stress. Get rid of the excess amounts in your life where you can. However, don’t hyper react to its existence and seek to conquer it so you become THE MOST UNSTRESSED IN ALL THE LAND! WINNING AT BEING NOT STRESSED!!!
Sigh. I hope you see what I’m getting at.
🖤Creating a habit of yoga and meditation is undeniably good
🖤 30 day challenges or mindfulness calendars can be great catalysts to get the ball rolling
❤️ Creating a realistic and sustainable practice is even better. You don’t have to conquer the MINDFULNESS world. The whole point is to just. be. in. it.
🖤 Because if it leaves you more stressed than when you began? It may be time to take a second look at your approach. Just saying.