A big part of yoga is self observation. Having practiced throughout my twenties and into my thirties, it’s afforded me the opportunity to watch myself change over some rather tumultuous times. Nobody tells you the total craziness your twenties truly are. It would seems things start to finally normalize a bit as you get into your thirties (thank goodness!) As I’ve learned to watch myself through yoga, traits and habits have become apparent. One particularly annoying trait is perfectionism. Many ...
You Are Not Alone
What do you see? A strong, young woman? What does the picture show? Someone balancing their body in solitude? What does this photo represent? Independence? Solitary flight? Singular focus? Look closer. There are strings attached. The chain of friendship links her hands to the mat. The rope of family tied around her waist lifts her above the ground The string of teachers that have ...
The Power of Noticing
This past week, I had a beautiful conversation with a fellow yogi who drew my attention to the word, “Notice”. He spoke about the power of this word and how, when he first started practicing, he didn’t realize how much he was missing. After deepening his practice he started to notice so much more. My eyes lit up as I expressed how the same thing happened to me. The world didn’t really change, I shared with him, it was how I saw it. The attention I gave to life had expanded and altered for the ...
Unplug, Unwind, Do Yoga
I have a love-hate relationship with my phone. It keeps me in touch with the people I care about, my schedule and my clients. It supplies me with endless inspirational and hilarious Instagram posts, Youtube clips of Ellen or Jimmy Fallon hashtags, and Facebook updates of that guy I knew in high school and talked to that one time in the hall after gym class. You know, important stuff. But ultimately I feel mentally fractured after spending too much time on my device. I feel scattered and ...
Thank you to students; the real teachers
I am so grateful to students. They are the real teachers. Everyday I’m reminded how blessed I am when I walk into the yoga studio and see smiling faces looking back at me. The electric energy exuding from people’s bodies and minds when they place themselves in a willing position to learn is contagious. I am grateful to the students who are having a tough day. The ones who don’t realize their face looks like they may or may not murder me after this really long chair pose, but they do it ...
Stillness: What Awaits Us in the Quiet
“Sit still.” As kids we’re programmed to not like this phrase. “Stop fidgeting!” “Sit in your seat!” “Behave yourself!” These phrases ring in our ears well into adulthood. It makes sense that many of us build an aversion to stillness. All too often, we didn’t get to move enough before we were asked to sit still. One hour of gym class?? Are you kidding me with this!? As a kid I wanted to be moving all the time. Not much has changed since I became a so called “grown up”. I still ...
How Yoga Changed My Relationship with Discomfort
The past week I’ve been sharing with my classes a tiny mental shift. Tiny but hopefully very helpful. I share it with them when we’re nearing the end of the practice. When everyone is tired, drained, and some of them are sending a subtle yet mildly murderous glance my way as I tell them to hold boat pose (navasana) for another 5 breaths. “Do you feel that deep burn in your muscles?” They nod in exasperation. “That feeling is something you’ve been working towards this whole ...