I love inversions.
Sure they look cool, and require a certain degree of physical prowess. They tend to get the most “likes” when you post them online. But that’s missing the point entirely.
I love them because they’re a game changer.
They make you look at things from a different angle. They encourage you to use muscles you wouldn’t normally use. They turn your physical world upside down. Inversions give your feet a chance to rest while your brain gets to refresh. Get that grey matter closer to green earth and experience just how clear your mind can get.
It’s kind of like the mind is a snow globe. Things are feeling flat, sad, stagnant? Turn that globe upside down and watch the snow begin to fall.
Inversions put the heart above the head. If that’s not a metaphor for leading with the heart, I don’t know what is.
It’s also applicable to everyday problem solving. Got an issue you’ve been dealing with for a while? Got a brain buster stumping you? Stuck in a rut?
Flip that sh*t on its head and see what happens.
I wish life’s problems were solved that easily all the time; just look at it from a different angle, stay positive, do your best while smiling. Practice yoga and all is coming.
Realistically that’s not always the case. Far from it.
Life will turn things upside down when you least expect it. Life will kick you in the teeth, punch you in the gut, and pull your hair. Life can fight dirty sometimes.
By practicing the flip, by practicing the “upside down”or the unfamiliar point of view, we prepare ourselves for the inevitable upside down moments of life.
So get that heart above the head. Put hands to the ground and hips or feet to the sky. Heck, fold forward and you’re already upside down.
Snow globe that brain of yours and watch the snow fall.
Flip it. Flip it good.