I love my job. Teaching yoga is my passion and purpose. Even so, when I step into a studio to teach a public class a small part of my heart aches with frustration.
I love the collective energy and flow that comes from a public class. People are putting in the effort. They showed up to work on themselves. They’re doing something potentially really good for their health!
Even so, the unnerving things you see as the teacher…..
Like someone trying so earnestly to hold downward dog when they should probably be in a Pilates class holding plank for three months before doing hatha yoga.
Like the person in the back corner digging their wrists into the ground to compensate for a lack of upper body and core strength. And why wouldn’t they be? They’re sitting at a desk all day trying to make a living!
That guy who favours chest and back day at the gym. Who ends up dropping to his knees 5 seconds into the sun salutation because of the amount of tension he feels around his neck making it impossible for him to breathe.
As the teacher, you do your best to help these students. You try to offer the most effective solutions possible within the 5 seconds you have between postures, while keeping the pace of the class, cueing the breath, making sure the music isn’t too loud or the lights too bright. #blerg
But oh the things we could do if we had just one hour of private yoga with this person!!
Please note: I am writing this as someone who is decidedly NOT a Rockefeller. Private yoga classes generally cost more, and not everyone can afford the luxury of having consistent private yoga classes.
However, the benefits of booking your favorite yoga teacher to guide you through just one session can not be understated.
It’s an investment in your health.
Here’s a good way to frame it; if you were climbing a mountain for the first time, you wouldn’t just grab some hiking boots, a granola bar, cross yourself, and hope for the best. (God I hope not!)
No. You would hire a guide. Someone who knows the terrain. Someone who has traversed these trails innumerable times before. Someone who has lead hundreds if not thousands of people up this daunting path.
Yoga as a practice is a mountain. There are so many routes, approaches, ways up, in, and back down. Finding a ‘Yoga Sherpa’ to help demystify the process, someone to keep you safe and show you how capable you are of climbing that mountain is key.
You might need a Hatha Sherpa. A Yin Sherpa. A Vinyasa or Pilates Sherpa.
If yoga is something you are falling in love with, see and feel the benefits of and want to make more a part of your life, booking one, two, or maybe three sessions with someone who can help ensure you are doing things in a way that is ultimately healthy, sustainable and safe for you is invaluable.
Maybe you’ve been practicing for a while and you feel a physical, mental or emotional blockage holding you back. You could be freaked out about trying a new shape. Mayhaps you’re a bit anxious to attempt something on your own. It could be meditation scares the sh*t out of you, or initially makes little sense.
Maybe you have a chronic injury. Perhaps you’re dealing with the effects of aging. It’s possible you have very specific limitations that need to be honoured and worked with in a one on one situation
Enter a trusted Yoga Sherpa.
I’ve offered many of these ‘one off’ sessions. Students will approach me and ask for individual attention. It could be prompted by someone really wanting to understand the mechanics behind downward dog and whether or not they are doing it safely for their body. Or this lovely scenario happens: they book a session for their partner (d’aaaaaawww! Heart emoji) They see how yoga makes their partner a happier version of themselves and generally an easier person to be around. So really, it’s a gift that keeps on giving 😉
But why are private sessions so expensive!? — you may be asking.
Because they are worth it.
Because you are paying for the teacher’s expertise, insights and valuable time. If they are travelling to you, that transportation costs money. If they are bringing props, that is excess but necessary baggage and labour so they have the tools to guide you safely.
Oils, neck massages, body adjustments, an individually developed yoga program tailored to your needs. This is worth the money you pay.
A good teacher will be able to pin point the things that need the most attention. They will hopefully see the issues that need immediate care and offer you ways to work on them. Ideally, it will be an experience that sets you up to try things for yourself. A time of offering insights and guidance, but also facilitates personal agency.
If you are fortunate enough to book a teacher to come to your home on a regular basis…do it!
Many of my clients use it not only to maintain physical health, but as that one hour a week for themselves. It is mental and emotional health maintenance. By taking that pocket of time to slow down, breathe, stretch, feel their bodies, hear their thoughts, (maybe laugh a bit 🙂 they are better able to play their many roles – mother/father/employee/boss/wife/husband/partner — heck – being a GD human!
One evening, a client rolled languidly up from sivasana and said with a soft, drowsy smile, “Best 5 minutes of my week”.
It gives me so much joy knowing these sessions are helping some pretty amazing people continue to tap into their inner amazingness by offering them the chance to slow down, check in with themselves, and more effectively rest.
Still not convinced? Most teachers (myself included) offer sliding scale pricing to suit the socioeconomic needs of the client.
Other clients of mine will book a group session and split the cost of the class 4 or 5 ways — getting the attention and care of a teacher in a small group experience, surrounded by people they know and like, at a quarter of the cost #smartcookies
So don’t be afraid to ask your favorite teacher for some one on one time. Get a group of buddies together for some yoga bonding and relaxation time. Get the physical, emotional and social benefits of practicing together. Trust me, the giggles, guffaws and gratitude will be plentiful 😉Â
Online yoga programs are fantastic. Studio yoga is magic. Private yoga is vastly understated and worth a second look. Give it some thought. Invest in yourself and experience the dividends of returns that come from a session tailored to your specific needs.
Happy one on one time ya’ll!