If you need to cry, let your eyes water until you feel the pressure in your chest release.
If you need to rest, lie down and melt until you become a part of the mattress
If you need to yell out in anger, scream so loudly not caring if the neighbours hear.
If you need to say no, practice the smallest complete sentence in existence.
If you need to quit, unpack that word and understand it is not exclusively negative.
If you need more time, take it by creating a schedule that allows you to breathe.
If you need to yell FUCK because there is no other word that aptly expresses everything you are feeling in one intense moment – let it out.
If you need to laugh, let it flow until your cheeks ache and your belly burns.
If you need connection, hold a friend, a pet, a get together. Call someone you trust and reveal your true self, knowing you are worth connecting with.
If you need to reflect; journal your thoughts, sit in quiet reflection, even if only for five minutes, three minutes, one minute. You are worth knowing.
If you need to stop, put the phone down, close your eyes and take three deep breaths.
You must be the one to give yourself permission to be all that you are, acknowledge all that you need, all that you don’t need and all that you are becoming.
Permission yourself to know who you are.
You are worth knowing.
Permission granted.