This past weekend was spent in one of my favorite cities in the world – NYC.
One of the reasons I love New York deeply is the kick of energy it gives by simply being there.
You don’t happen to New York. It happens to you.
Just step outside and a new adventure takes off with next level characters lining the pages of this people filled, subway riding, park walking, show stopping, urine scented, music everywhere story.
And rats. There will always be rats. (I think of them as the quirky Disney sidekick….but don’t touch them, ever.)
By nature I’m a “Think first, act later… maybe” type of person. A Virgo through and through. The fast pace of New York is good for me. If I need a shot in the arm or just a whiff of ambition, a kick out of stagnation, this city is my triple-espresso, caffeine shot of life.
It was an amazing trip! A birthday trip to boot! A gorgeous, inspiring life coach I’m blessed to call my friend happens to be born on the same day as me. As birthday twins we decided to celebrate in a city we both adore. We shared so many beautiful, gritty, tender and laugh filled moments.
Life just gets fuller on the streets of NYC, which makes sense when you enter a place with 8 million people and tons of history.
If you let go and lean into the flow of fullness, the intensity of life in the city that never sleeps can really work for you.
As long as you keep your feet about you, know your mind, and practice kindness, riding the wave of the city can be genuinely therapeutic.
The phrase “Let Go” kept ringing in my ears as the week unfolded.
My cell phone died!!
Let go.
End up getting a sweet deal on a new, unlocked, international, sassy gold cell phone that not only takes better pictures, you and your friend now have matching gold phones (double twinsies!!) Also meet the sweetest Best Buy employee with the best accent, originally from Nashville, Tennessee.
Where is the yoga studio I came all this way to practice in?? My class starts in 10 minutes and I can’t find it!!!!
Let go.
Ask for help, find someone who lives in Tribeca for directions. Smile big when they point you towards the door you walked by 4 times.
My friend asked me to do a trapeze class with her, and I have a fear of heights.
Let go.
End up feeling so free and incredibly liberated — like a joyous child flying high on a bad ass swing set as you gaze out over the stunning skyline of NYC — upside down.
Let go – let go of judgements, preconceived notions of people, places and self. Have conversations with strangers, the homeless, entrepreneurs, PR reps, factory workers, doormen, baristas, tattoo covered therapists, vloggers, people with big dreams that are just out there living life to its fullest and have a true heart for others.
Sit back in awe of the fact you are alive to witness this beauty.
It’s amazing what happens when we let go.
Thank you New York. I can’t wait to let go with you again soon.
Until we meet again, I will take the lessons you taught me and let go into the beauty, pain, boredom and blessings of the everyday.