Language — It’s important, and there are a few words thrown about in the online world that have leaked into the yoga world that I see as questionable in their application. I’d like to take a closer look at them;
As yoga teachers, I don’t see us as having ‘FOLLOWINGS’. We exist in community — A community that can and should question and correct us when we step out of bounds. Nowhere in the yoga sutras does it recommend we follow someone blindly.
I don’t see us as seeking to ‘INFLUENCE’. We seek to inform — Offering information that we have found helpful for ourselves and we hope may be helpful for others.
My lifestyle is not a ‘PRODUCT’ to be purchased. It is the incredible, confounding gift I exist within. Moving through it with as much grace, gratitude and patience as I can muster. Learning and making shit up as I go. Making hopefully well informed choices as decisions arrive, watching with bated breath how they will turn out. Fingers crossed just as much as the next baffled human.
I genuinely believe it’s important to remind ourselves we are not out here influencing a following with a well curated lifestyle. Bish, be humble. We’re all human. And none of us gets out of this dance alive. All we can do is help one another with love along the way.
Namaste and keep it real <3
Photo Cred – Tami Klein Photography