As the year and decade come to a close I feel a strong pull to hibernate and reflect. Holiday season is hard. I watch myself and others as we move through December. A confusing season filled with short, dark days pushing us into melancholy, bright twinkly lights that remind us of our social obligation to smile and be grateful. It’s a juxtaposition of our bodies saying “Go inside, eat, sleep” while the world says “Get out there! Buy a dress, some booze and hit up that holiday party!!” Mixed messages leave us at odds with ourselves and yet we bravely grin and bear it. When in reality…..for many, this time of year is hard AF.
Holiday obligations as an introvert and the agony that entails aside, not everyone has a family to go to. If you’ve lost family this year or recently than this time of year can be poignantly hard. If your family is a source of heart ache and you’re staring down the barrel of reuniting with them, it’s an emotional marathon, but please know you’re not running it alone 💕
All of this to say, if you’re on the struggle bus right now, it’s a bus, not a Honda. By nature it’s a vehicle that ensures you won’t be alone 🙏🏻. You are not broken if you feel overwhelmed. You are not wrong if you feel badly for not taking up the torch of happiness that is somewhat forced upon us this time of year. Give yourself time to breathe, reflect, and retreat. All of nature is telling us to be inside. It’s okay if that is what your heart is longing for.
And if you love this time of year, well then you are a magical unicorn that I don’t understand and can no longer be friends with. Just kidding (kind of). If this is you, keep your eyes open for people in the midst of the struggle, you magnificent beast 🦄. Reach out, check in and offer love.
Please remember: you are not alone xo