Conflicting messages on ways to live our lives flood our devices daily. Our minds are constantly sifting through an onslaught of inspirational quotes, some telling us to “live out loud” or “splash more color on the canvas of life”. These are countered by messages of “seek peace” or “calm is best” — a whole meditation corporation is based on the word ‘Calm’.
In practice, one way is not more legitimate or effective or “right”. The combination of both in the day to day can elicit well balanced results.
After a big event or upheaval it’s common to find ourselves craving downtime and recuperation
Even so, as I experience the world each day, I believe the case for “quiet” has been underrepresented.
In an era of seeking fame, achievement based lifestyles, sleep when you’re dead vibes — action tends to win over contemplation.
It’s almost as if the desire to live small, quiet, and humbly gets inadvertently villainized.
What do you mean you didn’t slay today!!??
Why haven’t you killed it!??
Go climb a mountain, real or proverbial!!!!
Got a goal!? Achieve that mother f-er and then punch it in the face!!!!
The slogans come at us fast and furious.
But what if your heart aches for simplicity?
What if you long for a quiet moment. A quiet day. A quiet life. Is there something inherently wrong with you?
I say no.
There is nothing wrong with you.
A wonderful friend of mine gifted me with a very wise fridge magnet. A magnet that speaks to me each time I reach for hummus (or wine)
“Drink coffee! Do stupid things faster with more energy”
….no wait… wrong magnet….
“Courage does not always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying ‘I will try again tomorrow’ “. — Mary Ann Radmacher
Courage can be found in the quiet.
Boldness can be seen in the person who quietly moves away from patterns of self harm.
Strength can be felt emanating from the person who quietly rests their hand on your shoulder and sits with you in your sadness.
This is not to say loud and quiet need to be at odds with one another. They balance each other quite beautifully.
This is to say, by nature, quiet doesn’t get as much credit because, well, it’s quiet.
So here is a case for quiet. If you crave it, you are not alone. When we learn to love the quiet, we can hear ourselves better. And your heart, even if broken, is worth hearing.
Shhhhhhh – did you hear that? Me neither…..And isn’t that just lovely? 🙂